Romantic Stitches
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The thoughs of a Victorian Romantic, including stitching, books and whatever strikes my fancy, including the ocassional foray onto a soapbox. Artwork by Jo at Little Ariel

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Location: Louisiana, United States

History geek. Browncoat/Whovian/Trekkie/Scaper Science fiction romance writer. Closet football fan.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Musings and wanderings

Started the water classes at the Athletic club yesterday. I am sore, but I'm not hurting as bad as usual. All of the soreness is from the weights in the water and not my usual muscle soreness. Kinda nice! I slept SO GOOD last night. Didn't wake up once.

My mom and I learning how to knit. She's left-handed so it's keeping our instructor, Judy at The Parrot Stitch, on her toes. I hope we can go for our next lesson next Tuesday. I want to learn how to purl! My end goal is to be able to knit socks. I have chronically cold feet and finding warm socks to wear in the winter is nigh onto impossible here in the Deep South where 50 is considered da** cold. Anything under that is hibernation weather and pile on the blankets! Knitted wool socks should fit the bill nicely.

When I was looking at Nadia Tate's ACEO's yesterday I saw Dolphin Mermaid. Lo and behold HAED released the chart yesterday afternoon! I really like that one a lot. The chart is on my wishlist now and the ACEO will be purchased next week when I get paid. I'm sure there will be a couple of other ACEO's that I get too. Probably Geisha Fae, and I really really really want Snow Kitty Fae. And Wisteria Fae! I have the chart already. And I really want Flute Mermaid too. Will have to wait for the print. I do play the flute, though I haven't had it out in quite a while now.

Squares 4 Survivors is undergoing a few changes. They're expanding their mission to include survivors of all types of natural disasters, with hurricane survivors still being the main focus. Mrs. Sandie has a round of voting going to determine exactly which charities they will work with.

And my brother is engaged! Can't remember if I mentioned that or not. His marriage to her has been the worst kept secret on the planet for 2 years now and it's finally official. They're hoping for May, but there's still a lot of details to be worked out.



Blogger Kim said...

When I looked on the internet this morning to see how to purl, I realsied that I purl rather than knit. But hey i'm strange like that! we will have to compare socking notes, I've worked the first inch of mine this norning

3:54 PM  

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